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League Exporter: Export item sets from Mobafire into League format

League Exporter is a free Chrome add-on developed by rosiecode95. It falls under the category of Browsers and specifically the subcategory of Add-ons & Tools. This handy tool allows users to export data sets from into a League of Legends compatible format for easy import into the League client.

Using League Exporter is simple and straightforward. First, users need to open a build of their choice on Then, they can click on the potion icon and select the desired build. After that, they just need to press the export button.

To import the exported item sets into the League client, users should open the client and navigate to the "collection" section, then click on "items" and finally select "import item sets." From there, they can choose the option to paste the copied set and paste the output from League Exporter into the League input field.

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